Tags→ #programming
Vibe Coding and Kodak Cameras
A perspective on the rise of AI coding and how it relates to technological shifts throughout history
Why You Should Learn jq in 2024
Discover why learning jq isn't just about boosting your productivity, it's about becoming a more curious developer
Building a Guestbook with PGlite, Clerk, and Pinata
A quick walkthough of how I built a guestbook for my website
Leaving Neovim for Zed
A journey through text editors and how I landed on Zed after years of Neovim
Building Snippets.so
Insights into why snippets.so was built and the tech stack behind it
A Terminal Based Workflow
A deeper look at why a integrated terminal workflow is more than just using vim
Why I Learned Vim
A brief look at my history and how ordinary jobs lead to learning programming and Vim/Neovim